

  You wonder what differentiates you and the winners who breakthrough. Many believe that only geniuses can succeed, but are unable to see the genius that lies within them. “Because genius is a characteristic  of consciousness, genius is also universal. That which is universal is, therefore, theoretically available to every man. It awaits only the right circumstances to express it.” — Sir David Hawkins, MD, PHD. We all have that great ability to be extraordinary in our thinking, to go beyond the native limits. You probably wonder what makes it possible for Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and even your peers to be able to come up with new creative and very innovative ideas. It all lies within once ability to look within and with desire to awaken the genius that lies within. Tapping into genius is the difference between good and great. It’s the difference in having the breakthrough no one else has had in your field. HOW TO TAP INTO THE GENIUS WITHIN. It important to under...


Our very civilization is organised around the fact that, we are social beings. But did you know that studies have shown that, many people who are considered to be highly intelligent, prefer to spend a lot of their time alone? The reason behind this theory is based on how our ancestors solved problems. For as long as we can remember, humans have worked together to solve all manner of problems, from social issues, to complex mathematical and engineering feats. The "two heads and better than one " concepts worked well, since more brain power meant more generation of ideas and working together made things easier.  Today, however, through rapid evolution and the influx of technology, these concepts have become somewhat outdated. Humankind now finds itself in the "solo-problem-solver" era, the lone Achiever. The blue-sky thinkers who look outside the box and have the ability to transform the world with bold ideas and innate intelligence.   Let...


CHAPTER SIX What does the bible say we are? M any people including Christians worry too much about what others say about them, without even trying to find out what the God says about them. The bible is the word of God. We must read the bible in order to truly understand who we are. If only they knew what the bible say about us they will not have any reason to worry. We have an obligation to read the bible regularly. But why should we do that? We read it to remind ourselves of the race ahead of us, to strengthen our faith, to better understand what God wants us to do and more especially to know who we really are. Some say Christians are ordinary people doing extraordinary things, but this is not true; in fact it is so wrong. We are sons and daughters of the Almighty God, how can we be regarded as ordinary, even earthly Princes and Princesses are not considered ordinary in the eyes of men. We are princes and princesses of God, citizens of Heaven, Ministers a...


  CHAPTER FIVE THE BIBLE T he bible is more than just a book, it contains more than just history, it can serve more than just a manual. What then is the bible? The bible is an extraordinary book. In the ‘GIDEONS INTERNATIONAL New Testaments Bible’ the Gideons describe the bible as;- v A book which contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners and the happiness of believers. v Its doctrine is holy, its precepts are binding, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be saved and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you and comfort to cheer you. v It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword and the Christian’s chatter. Here paradise is restored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. v Christ is the grand subject, our good the design and the glory of God its end. v It should fill the memory, r...


CHAPTER FOUR A BELIEVER’S LIFE A s you read in the previous chapter, a believer is someone who believes in Christ Jesus, and not only believes but also confesses and become born-again with the spirit of God dwelling in him/her. For Jesus said “I will not let you orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:18). “And I will ask the Father and he will send you another advocate, (the Holy Spirit) to be with you always” (John 14:16). Now that the Holy Spirit has come upon you it is in your place to strive to grow up spiritually. Salvation is a thing for a moment but keeping it till the end is a duty for a lifetime; a duty that only believers have. It might not be easy “but you, beloved, build yourself up in your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit” (Jude 1:20). Believers are Christians, we ought to live a worthy of the grace that we have received. Remember that we love Christ because he first loved us. The new you T he bible tells us that i...


CHAPTER THREE BORN AGAIN The born-again concept “J esus answered Nicodenus, ‘unless a man is Born Again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Take note of the phrase ‘BORN AGAIN’. In real life, many often misinterpret the phrase, some do not even understand the concept of being born-again which result to leaving a live struggling with sin and religion. You are not born-again just because your father is born –again, remember God has no grandchildren. To be born in a religious or Christian family does not make you born-again. Its true God created all of us in his wonderful image, but let us know that not all of us are his children. We are creations of God but only few are children; the ones who are born-again.  Being a respected member in your church does not make you a child of God, nor does your position in church guarantee you as a born-again Christian. Remember God looks at the heart and not the outward appearance. (Matt 7:22-23) says “when the ...


CHAPTER TWO God’s Love for Sinners H ere we are reminded of God’s ever-loving nature. Despite all the things we might have done; the things that are not right in the sight of God, He still loves us very much(in fact his love for us has not even changed). He loves and cares about us so much not because we are holy or righteous but because He himself is love. If God does not love he denies himself of who he is. His love for us is deep and sincere, regardless of what we have done. John 3:16 tells us “for God so love the world that he gave his only son that who so ever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life”. “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2Cor 5:21). What grace, for our sake God made his own son to suffer for the sins he did not commit; the sin we committed, so that we might be vindicated and justified in his name, that we might become his very own righteousness in ...