The born-again concept
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esus answered Nicodenus, ‘unless a man is Born Again, he
cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Take note of the phrase ‘BORN
AGAIN’. In real life, many often misinterpret the phrase, some do not even
understand the concept of being born-again which result to leaving a live
struggling with sin and religion.
You are not born-again just because your father is born –again, remember God has no grandchildren. To be born in a religious or Christian family does not make you born-again. Its true God created all of us in his wonderful image, but let us know that not all of us are his children. We are creations of God but only few are children; the ones who are born-again.
Being a respected member in your church does not make you a child of God, nor
does your position in church guarantee you as a born-again Christian. Remember
God looks at the heart and not the outward appearance. (Matt 7:22-23) says
“when the judgment day comes, many will say to me Lord, Lord! In your name we
spoke God’s message, by your name we drove out many demons and performed many
miracles! Then I will say to them I never knew you, get away from me you wicked
First we must first understand that Christianity is not just a religion, but also a relationship with the creator. When you are born-again it means you are part of the heavenly family; you become the son/daughter of God Himself.
As humans we do not get into this
relationship, we are called into it. I for one I can testify that I was found
by the lord. He found me and called me as sinful as I was, he forgave me,
justified me and declared me righteous. God knew me and loved me even before I
knew him. I lived a life without purpose or direction, I was driven by the
wind; the sinful desires of the world. But my life took another turn when God
introduced himself to me and made me his child.
Every time we try to keep the commandments of God without the
help of God himself, we are bound to fail. This is because; we are unable to do
so. ”for those who are in the flesh, (sinful nature) cannot please God” (Rom
8:8). This explains why at the beginning of a New Year, some of us put up long
lists of New Year resolutions. First we try our best and we are able to keep
them for a while, but after a while we are not even able to provide a
reasonable explanation to what happened; for we are back to our old self, like
we never changed at all. This further goes on to strengthen the idea in chapter
one; we are not in control.
Being truly born-again
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or a moment you might have probably wondered, “What then is being Born-again”. It is simple actually as it all depends on you. You have to be ready and prepared; believe that there is something as being born-again, because believe paves the way for the process.
If you are moved and you want to become born-again, pleased kindly follow the
steps below;-
· First
acknowledge your sins, accept that you are a sinner. Accepting your sins means
that you are remorseful and sorry for them.
· confess
with your mouth and believe in your heart that JESUS CHRIST is the son of God
and that he came to earth to suffer and die for your sins; the sins you
acknowledged. Believe that you are a partaker of his death.
· Believe that as Christ died on the cross, he died together with your sinful nature. Christ came to die that we may become new, justified and pure, he died that we will be able to get rid of our sinful nature, so accepting his sacrifice means that you accept to crucify your past and start from a new beginning. For the bible says
“what shall we say? Shall we persist in sin that grace may abound?
Of course not!
· Say a
prayer of transformation, invite God into your life as your Lord and Savior, ask him to help you love him and serve
him faithfully. After the prayer you just believe that all is well, do your
best to stick to your new life as you undergo spiritual transformation.
· If you have
obeyed the steps above; if you have said the prayer of salvation bove,
CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a born-again. Be proud, you are now a member of
the heavenly family. You are now a believer.
From the moment you said that prayer you were immediately translated from darkness into light. You have been vindicated, your sins and your past have been completely blotted away; you are now new creation, you have been set in a new beginning. The spirit of God has come upon you and now dwells in you; you are now the temple of the Holy Spirit of God.
You will be transformed by his spirit into someone glorious. How? The
good things which you hated like going to church and being kind, you will love
and it is very easy for you to do well. If there were any bad things you did in
the past like stealing or lies telling, they will automatically depart from you
and you will become an enemy to them, this is because sin no longer dwells in
you but the spirit of God himself.
But mind you, the spirit of God has
come upon you to guide you so you must not grieve the spirit of God in you. He
speaks to you in a small still voice, obey the voice of God and you shall
prosper. This does not mean that the devil will not try to tempt you though;
the devil will try even more to tempt you but you just have to be strong and
stand firm to what you truly believe in. God is with you and he will see you
true if you believe.
Now more than before you have to set your mind to the things of the spirit, “ for those who live according to the flesh (worldly standards) set their minds on the things of the flesh (earthly things) but those who live according to the spirit (the spirit of God) set their minds on the things of the spirit (pleasing God).
Pray and look up to God
for he is your father, but most importantly you must look forward to growing up
spiritually as you are still a baby at this moment. Wish you the best.
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